Friday, August 22, 2014

Homework for 8/25/14

PARENTS...This blog is to help you verify your child's planners at home. Please make sure your child is writing down everything daily.

Also, there is a 40 minute study hall every day (except Thursdays starting in Sept)...there is no excuse for students not to get most of their homework done at school.

Every night, students should review their Reading Vocab and Spelling Words, along with their Bible verses.

6th English - Test Wednesday

5th & 6thh Spelling - Test over List 2 on Wednesday - homework due in the tray no later than 8:30 a.m.

History - Quiz Wednesday

Reading - New vocabulary given out - quiz Friday

Science - CCU B #9-15 and all of E on paper; Test tomorrow

Bible - Memorize Eph 6:15-16 by Friday for a quiz; Quiz over lesson 3 on Friday

6th English - Think D page 26; Test tomorrow

5th & 6th Spelling - Test tomorrow over List 2. Homework due tomorrow at 8:30 a.m.

History - Chapter check up 2, section B #5-10 on paper; Test Friday

History - Skill Sheet 4B and Chapter Check Up 2 D all

Science -- Look in your child's folder for the Mammal Poster Project guidelines

5th Language - Page 31 Think A #11-20

5th & 6th Spelling - List 3 homework and test due next Wednesday, September 3

History -- Chapter Check up 2 C all; Test tomorrow

Bible - quizzes tomorrow (see Monday night work)

Reading -- vocab quiz tomorrow

Science - Chapter check up 2 section A #1-8

5th English - Think page 32 and page 38 Think F